14 September 2009

Aunt Doris

Mom has had some medical issues since many of you saw her at the family reunion. On the 18th of August she had an angioplasty done for the third time. It was successfully completed. She was kept in the hospital an extra day so that she could receive 2 units of blood because the rhuematoid arthritis was causing trouble with her blood counts. She was feeling better afterward but tired easily. On September 9 she was back in the hospital due to abdominal pain. It was found that she had an infection in her colon. She remained in the hospital till Sunday, September 13. She is at home recuperating and will take things very slowly for several days.

Her 87th birthday is on October 2. We are planning a small party for her at home (if you can call our family gatherings small,??!!) and are hopeful that Mom will be feeling much better and ready to celebrate.